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Conditions we treat

Skin Cancer Treatment, Rhenium 188

Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the skin

Basal and squamous cell carcinomas are the most common types of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma typically appears as a flesh-colored bump or a waxy, pearl-like lesion that tends to bleed easily. It commonly occurs on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face and neck. Squamous cell carcinoma often manifests as a red, scaly patch or a firm, raised nodule. It is also frequently found on sun-exposed areas but can develop on other parts of the body as well.


Both types of cancer are usually treatable when detected early. Regular skin checks and sun protection measures are essential for prevention. If you notice any suspicious growths or changes on your skin, consult a healthcare professional promptly for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.


The Rhenium Clinic offers alternative therapy for skin cancer and keloids that is non-invasive and painless.

A keloid scar, characterized by its thick and raised appearance, often emerges following a skin injury, typically occurring on earlobes, shoulders, cheeks, or the chest. The Rhenium Clinic introduces an alternative approach through rhenium therapy, providing a potential solution to keloid concerns in addition to traditional treatments.


While keloid scars don't pose physical health risks, they can induce emotional distress. The emphasis lies in prevention and early intervention.

Effective treatment options for keloid scars are available. If dissatisfied with the scar's appearance or texture, consulting a medical professional at The Rhenium Clinic can explore an alternative solution for keloids.

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